
Young Learners

Prueba tu nivel de inglés.

1 / 15

Choose your answer

2 / 15

Choose your Answer

3 / 15

Choose your answer

4 / 15

Did you enjoy the party, Clare?

5 / 15

What's your new teacher like, Carla?

6 / 15

I love this photo of your family, David!

7 / 15

Look up at the sky when it's dark. If there ...7.... no clouds, you will see the moon. There is no sound, air, wind or other kinds 8 weather on the moon. Tourists can't visit the moon yet, but rockets have 9 astronauts there. The first person 10 walked on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Place the correct word in space number 7

8 / 15

Look up at the sky when it's dark. If there 7 no clouds, you will see the moon. There is no sound, air, wind or other kinds ... 8 ... weather on the moon. Tourists can't visit the moon yet, but rockets have 9 astronauts there. The first person 10 walked on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Place the correct word in space number 8

9 / 15

Look up at the sky when it's dark. If there 7 no clouds, you will see the moon. There is no sound, air, wind or other kinds 8 weather on the moon. Tourists can't visit the moon yet, but rockets have ... 9 ... astronauts there. The first person 10 walked on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Place the correct word in space number 9

10 / 15

Look up at the sky when it's dark. If there 7 no clouds, you will see the moon. There is no sound, air, wind or other kinds 8 weather on the moon. Tourists can't visit the moon yet, but rockets have 9 astronauts there. The first person ... 10 ... walked on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Place the correct word in space number 10

11 / 15

12 / 15

13 / 15

14 / 15

15 / 15

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